Identifying Nonadherence in CNS Clinical Trials Working Group Activity / Deliverables
Phase 2:
Atul Mahableshwarkar, MD; Ibo Turkoz, PhD
Spring 2018
Group will reconvene to develop queries and work plan for ISCTM pilot DUIT initiative.
Phase 1:
Thomas Shiovitz, MD; David McCann, PhD
Mitigating the effects of nonadherence in clinical trials (Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Vol 56 #9)
Nonadherence: A bitter pill for drug trials (Science 17 Oct 2014, Vol 346 #6207)
Activity History:
13th Annual Meeting Working Group Session – 21 February 2017
2016 Autumn Conference Nonadherence Workshop
12th Annual Scientific Meeting Session – Mitigating the Effects of Nonadherence in Clinical Trials (2016)
11th Annual Scientific Meeting Working Group Dinner Report Back Summary, 17 February 2015, Washington DC
Autumn 2014 – Working group is currently meeting to develop white paper.
2014 Autumn Conference, Inaugural Workshop, 6 October 2014