2023 New Investigator Award: Submission and Eligibility Guidelines
The International Society for CNS Clinical Trials and Methodology has created a program to recognize promising new investigators across the broad range of methodological, regulatory and substantive programmatic interests of the society. Up to five NI Award applicants will be selected each year. Appointments as NI Awardees will be for one year.
(Previous Award Recipients)
Eligibility Criteria: Early career (second-year or beyond postdocs or those within 8 years of the completion of training) academic or industry professionals in relevant disciplines and positions; research fellows in CNS disciplines (psychiatry, neurology, neurosurgery, sleep disorders, pain management) and postdoctoral trainees in biostatistics, epidemiology, pharmacy, nursing, public health, and social/behavioral sciences; translational scientists with interest in biomarker-based approaches to treatment development.
Application Requirements: Applicants will submit a poster abstract (ISCTM Poster Guidelines) based on original research in the field of CNS Trial Methodology for which the applicant will serve as presenting author; a one page statement of research and career interests; a complete CV; and one letter of reference.
Applications will be due on or before 15 November 2022. Review and selection will be completed no later than 15 December 2022, to allow for participation in the ISCTM 19th Annual Scientific Meeting to be held 15-17 February 2023, Washington DC. Link to application form is found at the bottom of this page.
The Award will include:
(1) Fee-waived registration for the 19th Annual Scientific Meeting
15-17 February 2023, Grand Hyatt, Washington DC
(2) Three (3) nights lodging at the host hotel
(3) A stipend up to $750 (domestic) and $1,250 (international-outside North America) for the 19th Annual Scientific Meeting. Stipends will be available for industry based NI Awardees if company cannot underwrite expenses.
(4) Assignment of ISCTM senior mentor for meeting and interaction beforehand on development of poster.
(A) Special review of NI poster abstract submission
(B) Opportunity to present poster to senior investigators in the “Poster Rounds” section of the regular poster session
(5) Opportunity to participate on ISCTM committee or work group of interest.
(6) Waived ISCTM Membership fee for one year following award year.
(7) Free registration for two upcoming ISCTM meetings within 2 years.
ISCTM Award Committee:
Dawn Velligan, PhD, UT Health San Antonio (Chair)
Ariana Anderson, PhD, UCLA
Dragana Bugarski-Kirola, MD, Acadia
Katherine Burdick, PhD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Dawn Ionescu, MD, Janssen Research and Development
Jean-Pierre Lindenmayer, MD, NYU
Jair Soares, MD, PhD, UT Health