19th Annual Scientific Meeting Posters
Click to view abstract. Posters are listed in alpha order by first author.
Apter – Investigation of patient perception of clinical trials (Abstract)
Bower – Using ecological momentary assessment to identify adherent clinical trials participants: Robust prediction of full-study adherence from early adherence without excluding symptomatic patients (Abstract)
Cohen – The Placebo-Control Reminder Script and supplementary instrument properties: Evaluation of face and content validity (Abstract)
Cohn – Can an unobtrusive AI-based system based on open-ended interviews effectively guide DBS programming to the ventral striatum for OCD? (Abstract)
Daniel – Varying the time of day of PANSS administration impacts visit to visit variability in acute schizophrenia clinical trials (Abstract)
De Aquino – Estimating the risk/benefit ratio of cannabinoids among persons with opioid use disorder: Attentional bias for pain and opioids as a novel treatment target (Abstract)
Fonseca-Sabune – The development of an automated EEG-based machine learning pipeline for the detection of Alzheimer’s disease (Abstract)
Harvey – Using ecological momentary assessment to index real-world treatment gains from remotely delivered cognitive and functional skills training (Abstract)
Hopkins – Latency distributions in speech during structured psychiatric interviews of patients with bipolar depression: automated speech analysis may provide a simple cognitive biomarker (Abstract)
Horan – Comparability of computer- versus tablet-based administration of a functional capacity measure: Implications for transitioning to cloud-based assessments (Abstract)
Kajs – The effect of the Suicide Ideation and Behavior Assessment Tool (SIBAT) on suicidality in two Phase 3 studies (Abstract)
Kelly – Analytical validity of a walk detection and gait algorithm in different wear configurations (Abstract)
Kemethofer – On the variability of circadian-rhythm-related actigraphy endpoints between two validated devices (Abstract)
Khan – Using AI-driven platform to detect negative symptoms of schizophrenia through facial and acoustic analysis (Abstract)
Kindellan – Assessments of ADAS-Cog administration quality are comparable across expert and non-expert reviewers (Abstract)
Klein – Regional differences on a measure of functional capacity in healthy controls: Implications for detecting separation between schizophrenia patients and controls (Abstract)
Kott – An exploratory analysis of intrinsic changes in the PANSS in acute schizophrenia clinical trials (Abstract)
Kott – Baseline inflation in dementia clinical trials: An exploratory analysis. (Abstract)
Lamontagne – A multimodal approach to the study of suicide risk: Evidence from an implicit association task (Abstract)
Lima – Metabolic and inflammatory changes as biological mechanisms underlying accelerated epigenetic aging in bipolar disorder (Abstract)
Owen – Longitudinal ecological momentary assessments of the behavioral indicators of avolition in schizophrenia identify changes that are correlated with clinical ratings of negative symptoms (Abstract)
Pironet – Objective habit metrics are associated with medication adherence in a CNS clinical trial patient population (Abstract)
Sajatovic – A randomized controlled trial targeting knowledge, barriers, facilitators and readiness to participation in dementia research (The POWER project) (Abstract)
Sankhe – Mapping of validated apathy scales onto the apathy diagnostic criteria for neurocognitive disorders (Abstract)
Simmatis – Clinical validation of a novel speech assessment app in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (Abstract)
Sirbu – Validation of inter-rater agreement thresholds in depression clinical trials: Implications for rater quality monitoring (Abstract)
Thorp – Age-related cognitive changes in the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery normative sample (Abstract)
Tumati – Blood-based biomarkers associated with changes in apathy symptoms – pilot analyses of the ADMET2 randomized clinical trial (Abstract)
Wartchow – The role of lactate and pyruvate in patients with treatment resistant depression (Abstract)