17th Annual Scientific Meeting Posters
Poster pdfs and abstracts are in alphabetical order by first author.
Allen – Validation and comparability of smartphone-based digit symbol substitution task with written version (abstract)
Boyd – Does insulin resistance confound verbal memory in MCI and dementia research? (abstract)
*Bradley – Managing expectancy effects in a clinical trial of high-dose psilocybin for chronic pain (abstract)
Busner – Assessment challenges in adolescent schizophrenia trials: updated identification of PANSS items with low interrater agreement (abstract)
Cohen – Giving voice to patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder: Preferences for clinical trial methodologies and COVID19 mitigations (abstract)
Daniel – Comparing markers of aberrant data variability between acute and negative symptom schizophrenia clinical trials (abstract)
Farmer – Person-ability scores as an outcome measure alternative to norm-referenced scores in clinical trials for intellectual disability: A simulation study (abstract)
*Fernandes – The kynurenine pathway in major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia: a meta-analysis of 101 studies (abstract)
Jones – Analysis of efficacy of AXS-05 in the treatment of MDD based on gender, race, and prior antidepressant use (abstract)
Karas – Detection of episodic memory impairment in MCI using the tablet-based Brief Assessment of Cognition (BAC) (abstract)
Kelly – Feature development of a digital measure of the finger tapping task (abstract)
Koesmahargyo – Facial and vocal markers of schizophrenia measured using remote smartphone assessments (abstract)
Koosman – Design and methodology of a multisite adaptive repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation trial for the treatment of depressive symptoms in military service members with a history of concussion (abstract)
Kott – Comparing erratic ratings with unidirectional large changes in schizophrenia clinical trials (abstract)
Rabinowitz – Detecting careless responses on the MADRS using auditing and expert consensus based methods (abstract)
Rabinowitz – Outlier-response pattern flags for detecting possible careless responses on the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) (abstract)
Robin – Analytical and clinical validation of digital language assessments (abstract)
Robin – Variation in speech and language variables based on demographic factors (abstract)
Sajatovic – Measurement harmonization in a global integrated bipolar dataset to assess aging–related functional and comorbidity status (abstract)
Shiovitz – Pandemic of professional subjects: Spring 2021 (abstract)
*Tang – Electroconvulsive therapy with a memory reactivation intervention for post-traumatic stress disorder: A randomized controlled trial (abstract)
Therrien – Patient confirmation of a self-reported assessment of life engagement in Major Depressive Disorder (abstract)
*Wiers – Ketogenic diet reduces alcohol withdrawal symptoms in humans and alcohol intake in rodents (abstract)
Yadav – Machine learning-based measurement of vocal tremor (abstract)
Yavorsky – Differences in YGTSS at screening and baseline in a cohort of participants in a Phase-2b trial for the treatment of Tourette’s syndrome before and after restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic (abstract)
Yazar-Klosinksi – Safety and efficacy of MDMA-assisted therapy in PTSD: Results of a randomized double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial (abstract)
*2021 New Investigator Awardee